Tuesday, 23 October 2012


Heavy rain had been forecast today. Over the last couple of days we had seen a number of roadside signs warning of heavy rain. We decided to head further east, where the weather was supposed to be better. The skies were cloudy, but there were signs of brightness as we drove along. Our destination today was Brodie Castle, a property owned by the National Trust for Scotland. A tower house built in the 16th century, and gradually extended during the 18th and 19th centuries. We went on a guided tour around the castle and were told a lot about its history. The Laird, or Brodie of Brodie as he was called, was actually on the government side during the Rising, and housed government troops there before the battle of Culloden. In more recent times the castle has become famous for its daffodil collection, with magnificent displays in the springtime.

Brodie Castle
The Doors to Brodie Castle

After lunch in the quaint tea room, we went for a walk through the woods that encircle a large pond. We saw a vast array of unusual fungi, including one that is usually acquainted with fairies and toad stools. Many of the trees were turning and losing their leaves, and as we completed our walk we approached an avenue of beech trees that were shedding their leaves, as a steady and persistent breeze blew through them. We stood at the edge of the field and watched as they cascaded down in a constant stream, like large yellow snowflakes drifting to the ground.

Fly Agaric Toadstool

Falling Leaves at the Avenue of Brodie Castle

It was now late afternoon and we drove on to Culbin forest. This is a pine forest on the edge of sand dunes. We were hoping to walk down to the dunes, but only managed a short walk before the threatened rain finally caught up with us, and we just managed to get back to the car before it started to come too heavily.

Culbin Forest
My husband and son wanted to see the North Sea before we headed back, and we drove on through rain to a seaside village called Findhorn, a few miles from RAF Kinloss. We had seen a lot of military jets flying over when we were walking through Culbin forest. It was starting to get dark by now, and we parked on a car park near the sand dunes. The men walked down to the beach as I stood watching them under a huge umbrella, hoping that they wouldn’t want to stay too long. Thankfully, they didn’t. It was dark by the time we started our drive back and the rain was now heavy – Scottish rain!

Findhorn Beach and the North Sea
Photos courtesy of Sean D. Hattersley Photography. Please like his page by following the link for more excellent photos of Scotland and other places.

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