Monday, 15 April 2013


A few weeks ago my DH discovered that a Jacobite Rebellion Enactment was going to be staged at Tutbury Castle in North Staffordshire, UK, during the weekend of April 13th and 14th. Since I am a huge fan of Diana Gabaldon’s Outlander series, I was determined that I wasn’t going to miss out on the chance of going along to watch the display. After all, there were going to be men in kilts armed to the teeth with swords, dirks and muskets, and as this castle is only about an hours drive from where we live, it was an opportunity not to be missed.

Tutbury Castle

This being British springtime, the weather dictated which day we were to go on, and the heavy showers on Saturday 13th, gave way to strong winds and the occasional light shower on Sunday 14th. So setting off on Sunday morning, we drove to Tutbury. Arriving there, my DH found a car park, and we proceeded to climb up the hill to the castle. Entering through the gates, legs aching and lungs gasping, we realized that there was more than adequate parking within the castle grounds -  my DH’s usual level of research coming into play. I gave him a wifely look and called him a crack heided gomeral!

Recovering quickly, we paid and entered the main grounds of the castle. Tutbury is mostly a ruined castle, with access to towers and the Great Hall.  As we arrived there was a presentation taking place, introducing the players as representing the Stewarts of Appin, and explaining the Clans participation at Culloden.

Explanation of the musket.

The next display was of particular interest, how the Plaid (kilt) was put on.  The length of material was spread along the ground and was pleated, then a young man was chosen from the crowd to lie down while the kilt was wrapped around him, and we were told how the plaid was used as a blanket and a cover to protect the wearer.

Plaid demonstration.

Between displays we explored the castle and the followers camp, chatting occasionally with the enacters participating, who shared their own knowledge of the weapons and clothing worn at the time.

Camp follower.

Owing to the strong winds, I only ventured up one of the slopes to explore the ruins, rather than climb to the top of the towers, and was grateful that we didn’t have to wait too long before the next display of fighting moves with the Highland broadsword, and the other weapons used. These included the dirk, targe, musket, pistol and blunderbuss.

Weapons demonstration.

This was followed later by Clan sword training, which was a display of how swordsmanship was taught in the Highlands, which finished with the men pairing off to fight to be the champion of the day.

Sword fighting.

Musket fire and flash.

The final show of the day was the firing of muskets, and a Highland charge. The charge being run directly at the audience at the edge of the arena. Swords held aloft and giving a Highland cry. Slightly terrifying as they stopped right in front of us.

Highland charge.

We thoroughly enjoyed our day out and will be keeping our eyes open for similar events in the future.

1 comment:

  1. Looks like fun even with the weather not cooperating!
